Stable sales thanks to major efforts
(SFZ) More electric bicycles and more mountain bikes, fewer city bikes and racing bikes: with 348`600 new bicycles sold, bike sales in 2012 were only 0.9% down on the previous year and were very good in a multi-year comparison. This pleasing result reflects the efforts of the Swiss bicycle industry in terms of price adjustments, professional training, consulting and services.
The 2012 annual statistics of the suppliers' association Velosuisse prove Swiss interest in bicycles continues unabated, with sales of new bicycles once again exceeding those of new passenger cars (348`600 bicycles compared with 328`139 cars). The bicycle in all its variants is popular, and the bicycle density is very high, with an estimated 4 million bicycles - 3 million of which are actually in use. Whether in everyday use or for leisure activities, Swiss people use their bicycles as fitness equipment, means of transport, shopping vehicles or simply as a means of transport with a fun and recreational character.
Price adjustments and even more know-how
The Swiss bicycle suppliers have reacted to the pressure on prices in the euro and have adjusted their prices over the last two years in such a way that - measured against the whole package of products and know-how on offer - it is no longer worth buying a bicycle abroad. As a result, the Swiss consumer today also benefits from attractive and competitive prices in Switzerland. In addition, advice, technical know-how, warranty, service and repair services are factors that are just as important when and after buying a bike as the choice of product itself. The Swiss bicycle industry creates and maintains 6`500 jobs. Of the estimated total turnover of CHF 800 million, the industry spends around CHF 50 million a year to maintain this know-how and service offering at a high level. Keywords here are further training, apprenticeship training, technical and sales courses and the annual «InfoTech» seminar and workshop platform in Lucerne, which is attended by over 800 bicycle experts. Every bicycle buyer benefits from this effort when evaluating a purchase, during and after the purchase. Since its launch 25 years ago, the mountain bike has been on the road to success. With an increase of 2.7% or 3`400 units, it occupies the largest bicycle segment in terms of unit sales, with over 128,000 new sales last year. The 29-inch versions, which are larger than the traditional 26-inch bikes, boosted MTB business last year with a share of 10.5%.
6.7% more e-bikes
The positive sales trend for e-bikes continues with 52,900 units sold, an increase of 6.7%. In 2012, e-bikes in the category up to 45 km/h in particular showed a massive increase with 14,070 new sales, increasing their share of total e-bike sales to 26%, i.e. more than one in four new e-bikes belongs to the fast fraction. 95,800 city bikes (incl. folding bikes, tandems etc.) were sold in 2012, 5.8% less than in the previous year. Although they still occupy second place in the bike type hit parade behind the mountain bike, they are losing market share to the e-bike.
March 6th, 2013