News / Statistics


E-Bike- und Fahrradimporte sind erneut angestiegen

E-bike and bicycle imports increased again

Compared to the two previous years with strong sales, the bike trade was able to increase again in the first half of 2022. E-bike imports rose by 5.6 percent, and those of bicycles by 9.3 percent. Exports also increased for e-bikes. Only in the case of bicycle exports did...

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Velosuisse nimmt Radiate auf

Velosuisse takes up Radiate

Velosuisse, the association of Swiss bicycle and bicycle parts suppliers, has added Radiate Engineering and Design AG as another reputable bicycle development company.

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Velosuisse mit Specialized und myStromer

Velosuisse with Specialized and myStromer

Velosuisse, the association of Swiss bicycle and bicycle parts suppliers, has received a welcome addition. With Specialized and myStromer, two renowned, internationally active companies with Swiss business headquarters could be won for the association.

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Sales in 2021

  Bicycle and e-bike sales figures slowed by Corona The Swiss bicycle market lost momentum in the previous year due to Corona. Compared with the record year 2020, the market shrank by 1.5 percent in terms of units in 2021 - entirely at the expense of pure...

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Weiterführende Informationen zur Licht- und Tachopflicht für E-Bikes

Further information on mandatory lights and speedometer for e-bikes

From April 1, 2022, there will be a general daytime running light obligation for all e-bike riders and from April 1, 2024, a speedometer obligation for fast e-bikes (up to 45 km/h) with a transition period until 2027 for S-pedelecs already in circulation. The Federal Roads Office, FEDRO, has...

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Markanter Zuwachs bei den E-Bike- und Fahrradimporten

Marked growth in e-bike and bicycle imports

Compared to the strong sales of the previous year, the bike trade was again able to increase significantly in the first half of 2021. Imports of e-bikes rose by 16.5 percent and those of bicycles by 8.9 percent. Exports also increased significantly. However, it is unclear how the situation...

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