News / Statistics


Liefersituation bei Fahrrädern und E-Bikes entspannt sich

Delivery situation for bicycles and e-bikes eases up

The wet and cold May has led to an easing of the supply situation in the bicycle industry. The "bike shortage" that has been widely cited in the media in recent months is now still occurring sporadically. Spring, and especially May, is the key time in the...

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Sales in 2020

New record for e-bike sales The increasing popularity of the bicycle as a means of transport and leisure/fitness equipment is also reflected in the sales figures of the Swiss bicycle manufacturers and importers association Velosuisse in the Corona year 2020. In total...

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InfoTech digital löst grosses Interesse aus

InfoTech digital triggers great interest

After short but intensive preparation, a completely new technology platform was successfully launched on the Velosuisse homepage on Monday, January 25. The annual training seminar InfoTech, which the industry association Velosuisse organizes each...

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E-Bike-Markt wächst weiter mit grosser Dynamik

Swiss E-bike market continues to grow with great dynamics

Even before and during the Corona lockdown, the use of bicycles and e-bikes in commuter, everyday and leisure traffic increased significantly. The trend has now manifested itself in markedly rising e-bike sales figures. An extrapolation of the Swiss office...

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Schluss mit der einseitigen Fokussierung auf die Unfallzahlen!

No more one-sided focus on accident figures!

One man's joy, another man's sorrow: this is another way of reading the annual federal road traffic accident statistics. If cars are getting bigger, safer and equipped with more entertainment systems that distract from driving, this is to the detriment of the…

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Nachhaltige Fahrradnutzung auch nach der Coronazeit

Sustainable use of bicycles even after the Corona period.

During the Corona period, the use of bicycles and e-bikes in commuter, everyday and leisure traffic has increased significantly. Velosuisse sees good chances for a sustained trend - if the cycling infrastructure and legislation keeps pace with the situation abroad.

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